Elemental Dialogues is a collaborative project spearheaded by filmmaker Anna Cady. This project explores what happens when short, silent films based on elements (Earth, Fire, Air, and Water) are handed over to a network of poets/writers, sound artists/musicians, and scholars, with the original soundtrack removed (www.elementaldialogues.co.uk, www.talkthinkmake.wordpress.com). Contributors produced an interpretation of these films through their own diverse practice. These interpretations were re-embedded into the film, creating new, pluridisciplinary artworks, each of which tells a different and sometimes radically unexpected story.
Water (2016)
Breath (2015) [Air]
The electroacoustic soundtrack to Breath appears on the album Mythical Spaces, which was released by Ravello Records in 2018.
Carcinoma (2013) [fire]
Earth (2013)